1. TradeMade – A Trade and Barter App with a Social and Environmental Cause. The Conscious Consumer App of 2020.

This app is revolutionary. Conscious consumerism is all about buying what you need. To mitigate your environmental impact, it’s always better to find items secondhand, as opposed to buying new.

The idea behind the app is ‘get what you want with what you have”. This conscious consumerism app believes there is enough underused or unwanted STUFF floating around to get everyone what they want and need, things just need to find the right home! This app matches you with the items and services you are looking for, and there is NO MONEY INVOLVED.

We all have stuff, and people tend to want stuff, for other stuff…that’s basically how the TradeMade app works.

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2. Agreeable Co. – A Crowdsourced Conscious Consumer Shop.

Agreeable Co. is truly a unique platform. Agreeable Co. features a curated list of ethical products in a variety of categories. The platform assesses the environmental and ethical qualities of each product they feature, so you know what your dollars would be voting for. The Agreeable Co. blog also features interviews with the founders of the featured products. So you get a 360 degree perspective of the products, the company and people behind the product.

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3. DollarSpeak – Gain Political Transparency When You Shop.

A new conscious consumerism app that provides transparency around what political cause companies are spending their money on. For those who are interested in the political impact of where they spend their money, this is an important app! Every dollar spent is a vote for something! Dollar speak tells you exactly what your vote is. This conscious consumerism app empowers consumers to make conscious purchases based on the political causes they want to support.

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